
by Deva Das


I Offer You These Poems Because of Their Simplicity and Truth

Glory of All Things


Wake up, to all things wake
Nothing for granted take
See the miracle of everything
Life is amazing to the awake.

Big or small, pain or pleasure
To the awake it’s all a wonder
Taste life in all its nuances
Watch in awe as Lord Siva Dances

Frolic and play in creation
As God dreams this universe
And dances away in elation
One hidden in things diverse

Awaking from unknowing we find
We have entered God’s own mind
As his children we joyfully play
When all falsehood we truly slay

Blind and steeped in darkness
Frantic to hide lonely emptiness
At passing phenomena we snatch
On to beliefs and dogmas latch

While Truth pursues us from within
Opens our hearts the truth to hear.
Why our hearts to face we fear!
Love for all things, genuine

Vanity and pretension within
Ignorance and misery prime sin
Fear, anger, hatred follow
Leading one quite low

Life does Love bequeath
Alert and aware, breathe
Grateful for every breath
Peace and Joy, our wealth.

Everything is a miracle
Truly a glorious spectacle
Oh! Life is a merry laughter
Though we may cry or falter.

In God all things are one
She shines in everyone
Saints Her love in action
Sages His wise revelation

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Only Love Speaks The Truth

Only love speaks the truth
Everything else is a lie.
Lost in the silly games we play
As lies and pretense
Words and thought escape.
Truth hides deeper within.
Ideas, opinions
Hardened positions
Viewpoints stagnate.
Destruction cause.
Yearning for the light
In darkness dwell.
In confusion serene,
Waiting, open,
No words to distract.
Plunge into pain,
Deep despair
Twist and turn
Searing sadness
Sharp beyond endure.
Silent Witness,
Gentle Surrender.
Great Courage
Facing directly chaos and suffering.
Sorrow conscious of itself heals
Confusion to meaning leads
Embraced by the dark light of love,
Feel the pain
In the mind of plants
Human beings.
Moans, cries and tears fossilized.
No one, nothin excluded.
Soul stealing flute of Krishna
Buddha’s infinite compassion
The saving cross of Jesus
All in the heart of God.
Transcendent One
In the depths of everything
God, God everywhere
Eternity in the flash of a moment
Unity in diversity
Aware and calmly happy
Shining smile,
Sparkling laughter,
Peace, joy
Flow forever from silent love
That alone speaks the truth
Everything else is a lie.

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Love Conquers All


Love conquers all, everything

Without subjugating anyone or anything

Love can never, ever lose

In love constant victory you choose

Love is ever free, being truth itself

Hence it reveals to us, our true Self

To speak in silence, love prefers

Its beauty is far beyond words

Love is existence, pure and simple

Awareness utterly vast, yet humble

To one and all, gives reality.

Love is all strength and energy

It is perfection, permanent peace

Love is endless, ever new bliss

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"Let us remove the veils covering the truth of our being, and be aware that we are love."